Spring and Fall Clean-ups
Valley Waste conducts two bulky waste clean-up events each year—one in the Spring and one in the Fall. These clean-ups are scheduled for the week opposite your regular collection day.
Remember, clean-ups do not occur on your regular garbage collection day.
You can set out up to 20 items at the curb by 7 AM on the Monday of your designated Clean-up Week. The collection truck will make one pick-up during that week, potentially as early as Monday. For essential details and rules, refer to our map, calendar, or social media channels.
Spring/Fall Clean-up occurs on the OPPOSITE WEEK to your regular scheduled waste collection day in Kings County and the Town of Middleton. In Annapolis County, it will take place during your collection week. Items must be curbside on the Sunday of your Clean-up week. The truck will come once during that week. Please refer to the map and follow our clean-up rules below. Collection starts at 7 am! Items that are not collected are the responsibility of the resident and must be removed from the roadside when Clean-up is finished.
Clean-Up Collection Guidelines
Please note the following guidelines for the collection of items during the Clean-Up week:
- Item Limit: No more than 20 items will be collected from any one stop. An item can be a single object, a bag, or a securely tied bundle measuring no more than 1.2 meters (approximately 4 feet) in length.
- Bagging Requirements: Bagged garbage must be placed in clear, transparent bags. Cardboard boxes are not accepted.
- Appliance Limit: No more than two of any one type of appliance (e.g., washing machine, stove, water heater) will be collected from a single stop.
- Responsibility for Uncollected Items: Any items not collected during the Clean-Up week remain the resident's responsibility and must be removed from the roadside at the end of the week.
- Lumber and Loose Items: Lumber and loose items must be bagged or securely tied in bundles no longer than 1.2 metres (4ft). If nails are present, they should either be bent over or removed for safety reasons.
- Weight Limits: Any single furniture or appliance item must not weigh more than 91 kilograms (200 lbs). Other items must not exceed 34 kilograms (75 lbs).
- Refrigeration Units: Refrigerators, freezers, heat pumps, water cooler, dehumifiers, and air conditioners cannot be collected until the CFCs have been removed and a sticker has been applied to the unit. You can take refrigeration units to the Eastern Management Centre (100 Donald Hiltz Rd., Kentville Business Park) or the Western Management Centre (343 Elliot Road near Lawrencetown, Exit 19 on Highway 101) for a fee of $20.
- Collection Schedule: The truck will collect items once during your allocated Clean-Up week. There is no specified day for collection. Please check our calendar, map, or social media for details about your Clean-Up week.
- Items Not Accepted: The following items are NOT accepted during Clean-Up: Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), electronics, cardboard, recycling, leaves, garden waste, tires, and household or lithium batteries. Please ensure batteries are removed from items. For more information on how to dispose of HHW, please visit our Hazardous Household Waste page.