What Goes Where?
Remember…not all biodegradable & compostable items go in the COMPOST bin. Download the Recycle Coach app to For more information on refundables, please visit DivertNS for more information.
Sorting guides in other languages are available on our Resources Page.
Click on the link to access the Annapolis and Kings Counties Interactive Collection Map!
2025 Calendars are available for collection at various locations listed below including The Municipality of the County of King’s and, County of Annapolis, offices Town Halls in Wolfville, Kentville, Berwick, Middleton and Annapolis Royal, Village offices in Canning, Port Williams, New Minas, Aylesford, Kingston, and Greenwood, libraries, and Valley Waste site and office while quantities last. You can also download our Valley Waste Calendar for 2025.
Our Tipping Fees will change subject to approval of our budget, please check our Locations and Tipping Fee page for updates.

Download Recycle Coach
How to Use Recycle Coach
Setting up Reminders
To use the app, start by entering your address. This helps the app select the correct information for your area. Next, choose your area from the dropdown menu. To activate reminders or check your collection schedule, click on "View Schedule." After adding your address, click "Finish," and your curbside collection calendar will be displayed.
To set up your reminders, click on "My Reminders" and select either a weekly summary or a reminder for a single collection or event. You can choose to be reminded via email, text message, or phone call.
What Goes Where
If you need assistance with recycling, please enter your street address first, then type your item into the "What Goes Where" section to receive an answer. If you can’t find what you're looking for, feel free to call our Hotline at 902- 679-1325.
Holiday Collection Schedule