Valley Waste’s Office is located at 90 Donald E Hiltz Connector Rd, Kentville, NS B4N 3V7 next to the Management Centre and is open Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Eastern Management Centre
100 Donald E Hiltz Connector Rd, Kentville, NS B4N 3V7
Open: Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm, Sat: 8:00am – Noon
Western Management Centre
343 Elliott Rd, Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
Open: Tues – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm, Sat: 8:00am – noon

When visiting our sites please remember:
- All vehicles MUST come through the scale house to enter the site
- All garbage brought into the facility must be in clear bags
- Recyclables brought into the facility must be in blue bags
- All food must be de-packaged and composted
- No scavenging is permitted on site
- No smoking is permitted on site
The term Authority Members refers to households or businesses generating waste in the Valley Waste service area, which includes the Municipality of the County of Kings, Annapolis Royal, Berwick, Kentville, Middleton, Wolfville, Glooscap First Nation, Annapolis Valley First Nation, Bear River First Nation, and 14 Wing Greenwood. Waste from outside these areas is considered Non-members.
Tipping fees, effective April 1, 2024, are subject to budget approval and exempt from HST. Non-compliant loads can incur a double rate or be rejected. Fees, paid via cash, credit, or debit, may change after budget approval. For account setup, please contact Prices are per kilogram.
- Authority members 13.5 cents/kg
- Non-members 17.9 cents/kg
This includes fridges, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, heat pumps $20/unit
- Authority members 10.5 cents/kg
- Non-members 13.9 cents/kg
- Authority members Free (unbagged) 10.5 cents/kg (bagged)
- Non-members Free (unbagged) 13.9 cents/kg (bagged)
- Authority members 10.5 cents/kg
- Non-members 13.9 cents/kg
A refund is available on all ready-to-serve beverages – except milk. The refund is available at your nearest Enviro-Depot.
- Authority members $10.00
- Non-members $15.00
The minimum fee applies to the following:
- 74kg or less of garbage and mixed C&D debris
- 95kg or less of organics & recyclables
- 133kg or less of sorted C&D debris
- 175kg or less of scrap metal
Brick, block, concrete, asphalt, asphalt shingles, drywall, wood/brush (up to 6″ in diameter)
- Authority members 7.5 c/kg (sorted)/13.5 c/kg (mixed)
- Non-members 10 c/kg (sorted)/17.9 c/kg (mixed
- Authority members $57/tonne or 5.7c/kg
- Non-members $76/tonne or 7.6c/kg
Contaminated Soil: Contact us for further details. Fee based on metric tonne.
$10.00 per load

Arriving at Our Sites: Safety Guidelines
- Cover any open loads on your vehicle with a tarp or net.
- Enter the site at your own risk and follow directional signs; traffic is one-way.
- Wait patiently to enter the main building; do not reverse in unless instructed by a Valley Waste employee.
- Do not enter the main building on foot.
- Masks are required until further notice due to COVID restrictions.
- Observe the speed limit of 20 km/h and heed all traffic signs.
- Valley Waste vehicles have the right of way.
- Children under 12 must stay in the vehicle.
- Customers must load and unload their own vehicles, but assistance is available at the scale house if needed. Valley Waste is not responsible for any damage during unloading.
- Stay near your vehicle on the tipping floor and leave promptly after unloading.
- If you’re unsure where something goes, ask the scale operator or a site employee
Scavenging Policy
- No scavenging allowed. Do not ask employees for items. If something is scavenged, it must be removed from your vehicle.
- Follow directions from Valley Waste employees at all times.
- Cell phones and wireless devices are prohibited while driving on property.
Public Drop Off
- Do not enter bins. Ask an employee for help if you drop something.
- Never remove chains in the drop-off area.
- Be courteous; unload in designated spots without blocking other vehicles.
- Do not throw materials if the bin is not in place.
Construction & Demolition
- Unload only in designated areas.
- Do not dump materials on access roads.
- Ensure all items are secure before leaving to prevent debris.
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
- No industrial hazardous waste accepted.
- Leaking containers may be rejected.
- Bring HHW in original containers when possible.
- Valley Waste can reject any materials deemed dangerous.
- No containers larger than 20 liters accepted.
- Customers cannot dump oil or glycol in bulk barrels.
- Gasoline must be contained in a jug the customer is willing to leave. No transferring between containers on property.