The Industrial, Commercial & Institutional (IC&I) sector consists of businesses and operations like stores, manufacturing, offices, hospitals, and schools. If you’re part of this sector, here are your responsibilities for waste diversion.
The IC&I sector must legally comply with provincial regulations by sorting waste, just like homeowners and tenants.
Click here for a Summary of the Nova Scotia Solid Waste-Resource Management Strategy online.
Click here for a copy of the Solid Waste-Resource By-law for the Valley Waste Region
Valley Waste offers a number of services to the IC&I Sector
- Valley Waste offers businesses help in starting and improving waste systems through education and waste audits.
- For a waste audit an Education Coordinator assesses your waste and then offers recommendations on implementing a system or improving an existing one.
- If you are having trouble with your staff complying Valley Waste can make an educational visit for your staff.
- Valley Waste also has a large selection of resources to help with your waste needs.
- Download our guide if you are managing Large Scale Disposal for Residential and Commercial Buildings. You will also require a copy of our By-Laws as well.
- For other recycling collection programs visit GFL
- To request a visit you can call 902-679-1325 or email us at education@vwrm.com
Valley Waste DOES NOT offer hauling or dumpster services. Please refer to the list below for more information and to get quotes. Please read our guide to Renting a Dumpster to avoid any penalty fees.
C.N. Orde & Sons
Contact: Darin Orde Location: Lequille
Area: Bridgetown – Bear River
Phone: 902-532-7440 annapolisdepot@outlook.com
EFR Environmental
Contact: Rodger Ward Location: Middleton
Area: Kings, Annapolis, Hants
Phone: 902-825-3222 info@efrenviromental.ca
K & M Waste Management
Contact: Mike Kinsman Location: Canard
Area: Kings County
Phone: 902-582-7528
Waste Pro Services
Contact: Shane White Location: Digby
Area: Cornwallis
Phone: 902-245-2978 wasteprotrans@eastlink.ca
SafeGuard Services
Contact: Terry Ellis Location: Kentville
Area: Kings County
Phone: 902-678-0275
Best Bins
Contact: Lamont Gavin Location: Windsor
Area: Coldbrook, Kentville, Wolfville, New Minas, Hants Border
Phone: 902-306-BINS (902-306 2467) rentals@bestbinsvalleydisposal.ca
Miller Waste Systems Inc.
Contact: Peter Courtney Location: Halifax
Area: Kings & Annapolis Counties
Phone: 902-883-4561 peter.courtney@millerwaste.ca
Tri–County Waste Mgmt
Contact: Howard Little Location: Cambridge
Area: Kings, Annapolis, Hants
Phone: 902-538-3275
Live To Serve Haulers
Contact: Derrick Owen Location: Kentville
Area: Annapolis Valley
Phone: 902-670-9831
C.N. Orde & Sons
Contact: Darin Orde Location: Lequille
Area: Bridgetown – Bear River
Phone: 902-532-7440 annapolisdepot@outlook.com
EFR Environmental
Contact: Rodger Ward Location: Middleton
Area: Kings, Annapolis, Hants
Phone: 902-825-3222 info@efrenviromental.ca
K & M Waste Management
Contact: Mike Kinsman Location: Canard
Area: Kings County
Phone: 902-582-7528 kbk@xcountry.tv
Rhodenizer’s Salvage Enterprises
Contact: Kevin Rhodenizer Location: Berwick
Area: New Minas to Kingston
Phone: 902-538-0764 rhodsalvage@hotmail.ca
U-Dumpex Eco Bins
Contact: Marius, Jan & Hannah Henken Location: Berwick
Area: Kings County, Windsor, Sackville and Halifax
Phone: 902-210-6823 info@udumpexecobins.com www.udumpexecobins.com
Miller Waste Systems Inc.
Contact: Peter Courtney Location: Halifax
Area: Kings & Annapolis Counties
Phone: 902-883-4561 peter.courtney@millerwaste.ca
Tri–County Waste Mgmt
Contact: Howard Little Location: Cambridge
Area: Kings, Annapolis, Hants
Phone: 902-538-3275
SafeGuard Services
Contact: Location: Kentville
Area: Kings County
Phone: 902-678-0275 ext 104 info@safeguardservices.ca
Contact: Austin Pineo Location: Canning
Area: Kings County
Phone: 902-582-3162 getrdumpt@gmail.com
Best Bins
Contact: Lamont Gavin Location: Windsor
Area: Coldbrook, Kentville, Wolfville, New Minas, Hants Border
Phone: 902-306-BINS (902-306 2467) rentals@bestbinsvalleydisposal.ca
EFR Environmental
Contact: Rodger Ward Location: Middleton
Area: Kings, Annapolis, Hants
Phone: 902-825-3222 info@efrenviromental.ca
Above All Cleaning
Contact: Bryce MacRae Location: Sheffield Mills
Area: Kings County
Phone: 902-670-3360 brycemacrae51@gmail.com
Turner’s Handy Man
Contact: Eric Turner Location: Kentville
Area: Kings and Annapolis
Phone: 902-670-3759 eric_turner39@hotmail.com
Karen Whitford
Contact: Karen Whitford Location: Kentville
Area: Wolfville to Berwick
Phone: 902-365-2123
No Job Too Small Handyman Services
Contact: Ray Savage Location: Aylesford
Area: Kings and Annapolis Counties
Phone: 902-679-7949 ray@nojobtoosmall.ca Notes: Helps seniors
Live To Serve Haulers
Contact: Derrick Owen Location: Kentville
Area: Annapolis Valley
Phone: 902-670-9831
Burns Family Scrap Haulers
Contact: Raymond Burns
Area: Kentville – Lawrencetown
Phone: 902-824-3070
Notes: Free pick up of all unwanted metal items. Small removal fee for items in the home. Offers CFC removal from cooling devices.
SafeGuard Services
Contact: Terry Ellis Location: Kentville
Area: Kings County
Phone: 902-678-0275 info@safeguardservices.ca
Martin Cleveland
Contact: Martin Cleveland
Area: Kings County
Phone: 902-679-8086
Notes: Haul garbage, recyclables, metal and brush.
Best Bins
Contact: Lamont Gavin Location: Windsor
Area: Coldbrook, Kentville, Wolfville, New Minas, Hants Border
Phone: 902-306-BINS (902-306 2467) rentals@bestbinsvalleydisposal.ca
Peter Moreland
Contact: Peter Moreland Location: Kingston
Area: Aylesford to Middleton
Phone: 902-765-9718 peter.moreland2016@gmail.com
Steve Lake’s Light Trucking
Contact: Steve Lake Location: Auburn
Area: Annapolis Valley
Phone: 902-844-0551
Alan Johnson Property Maintenance
Contact: Alan Johnson Location: Port Williams
Area: Annapolis Valley
Phone: 902-599-2976 info@ajpm.ca
She Delivers By Julie
Contact: Julie Brown Location: Port Williams
Area: Annapolis Valley
Phone: 902-300-1914 shedeliversbyjulie@yahoo.com
Notes: Will move defunct appliances and furniture but not garbage or compost.
The Management Centres were designed to handle limited amounts of construction and demolition debris (C&D). If you need to dispose of more than 10 cubic yards per day, please call 902-679-1325 ahead of time.
Tip: Source separated C&D is cheaper to dispose of then mixed C&D. By keeping certain C&D materials separate, they may be reused or recycled — this makes them cheaper to tip. (Tipping Fees)
When planning your construction or demolition project, plan to keep the following materials separate — it will mean a cost savings of $45/tonne at disposal time: brick, block, concrete, asphalt shingles, wood/brush (up to 6″ in diameter), drywall, asphalt
The following construction and demolition disposal sites are privately owned and operated. Contact them directly for further information:

Arlington Heights C&D Site, 1481 Arlington Rd, Arlington West 902-665-4650
Torbrook C&D Disposal, Uhlman Branch Rd, Nictaux 902-765-9199