Report an Illegal Dump
Valley Region Solid Waste-Resource Management Bylaw:
The seven partnering municipalities that make up Valley Waste–Resource Management share a common waste management Bylaw. This helps to assure a fair and consistent approach to enforcement across the Valley Region. View the Bylaw below or contact our office for a copy.
Bylaw Enforcement Program
Enforcement is achieved through a blend of traditional investigations and compliance monitoring along with an equal balance of community outreach and education.
The Bylaw Enforcement Officer is also authorized and trained to enforce select clauses of the NS Environment Act and Solid Waste Regulations.
Typical duties of the bylaw enforcement officer include:
- Education, promotion, and community outreach;
- Dealing with complaints re: source separation and waste storage;
- Investigation and follow–up on illegal dumping and waste burning complaints;
- Compliance monitoring of all other Bylaws, issues and Directives.
Public Waste Directive
Valley Waste Resource Management recognizes that businesses have limited control over public behavior. Changing habits among staff and customers is challenging. Education and cooperation among the public, business operators, staff, waste haulers, and Valley Waste Resource Management are essential for the success of our source separation program. For assistance, businesses or institutions can contact Valley Waste Resource Management.
The following guidelines apply to "public waste"; i.e. waste generated in locations accessible to the general public and not directly controllable by staff.
Guidelines for Public Waste:
- In any staff controlled area all solid waste must be source separated.
- Where solid waste are not under staff control, the business must provide sorting options to the public: compostable, recyclable and garbage containers must be conveniently available for the public to use.
- Signage must be used that indicates what materials go in each container.
- Public washroom waste is considered garbage. There is no requirement to sort public washroom waste.
Note: All solid waste delivered to the Waste-Resource Management Centres is subject to inspection and compliance measures.
Why is it Important to Control the Movement of Waste?
Flow Control Clause
Important information for Businesses and Haulers
Section 3.5 of the Valley Region Solid Waste–Resource Management Bylaw states that:
"No person shall export or remove residual waste or unsorted solid waste generated within the Municipality outside the boundaries of the Valley Region."
According to the Bylaw then, all residual waste* generated in the Valley Region must be delivered to the Waste–Resource Management Centres at Kentville or Lawrencetown. Transporting waste outside the Region for disposal contravenes the Bylaw**.
*Residual waste means any solid waste remaining after diversion of recyclables, organics and hazardous waste.
Impact to Hauler
- The Flow Control clause ensures that all haulers pay the same price to dispose of waste so they are all competing on an equal basis.
- Valley Waste enforces the Flow Control clause to ensure that haulers remain on an equal footing and are treated fairly.
Illegal Burning & Dumping
- Burning waste–resources is against the law. It contributes to air and water pollution, and global warming. To view what you are prohibited from burning, see page 5, Prohibitions in the Bylaws.
- llegal dumping is hazardous to humans, pets, wildlife and the environment. It is also unsightly and expensive to clean up.
In both cases valuable resources are lost.
Valley Waste monitors disposal practices. Anyone charged with burning or illegal dumping could face a fine of minimum $500.00 and maximum of $5,000.00.
Illegal burning and dumping can be reported to:
Valley Waste-Resource Management
902-679-1325, 1-877-927-8300 (toll-free)
Department of Environment: 902-679-6086 (Kentville)

- Many businesses have found it useful to have a written plan which staff can refer to.
- The more waste your staff can control the better. For example: public waste receptacles can be removed from the public areas of a restaurant and staff can clear tables and trays to ensure that materials are placed in the correct containers.
- Check–in time is an excellent opportunity to give guests instructions on recycling and composting opportunities provided by a hotel/motel/campground along with the usual check–in procedure.
- Campers can be provided with a re–useable organics collection container (such as a small bucket) which the camper can use to transport organics to a central collection point.
- Your hauler plays a crucial role in the success of your source–separation program. Be sure to speak with your hauler in the set up stage and on an ongoing basis for feedback on how well you and your staff are doing.
- Responsible, effective solid waste management programs can be a valuable marketing asset for your business, particularly for tourism businesses.
- Environmentally conscious visitors will return and will tell their friends.
Financial Impacts to Tax Payers
- The Valley Waste system has been established to help all residents and businesses in the Valley Region comply with Provincial waste reduction regulations.
- Revenue from waste disposal fees contributes to the costs of the Valley’s recycling, composting and waste disposal systems and helps to keep municipal property taxes down.
- If waste is transported outside the Region, disposal fee revenue lost to other jurisdictions undermines the viability of our waste diversion programs in the Valley and will have to be made up in increased property taxes.
Lost Opportunities to Divert Recyclables & Organics
- When garbage leaves the Valley we lose the opportunity to remove recyclable and compostable materials from it when it enters our Management Centres in Kentville and Lawrencetown.
- We also lose the opportunity to provide feedback to businesses to help them do a better job of reducing the waste they send to the landfill.
Have extra garbage you need to dispose of?
You can bring waste–resources to the Management Centres in Kentville and Lawrencetown.