Partners in Waste Reduction

We provide waste solutions and education for residents, businesses, industries and institutions within the Annapolis Valley.

Valley Waste has 30 employees.
We service 31,500 dwelling units across Kings and Annapolis Counties.
Valley Waste recycles 5,250 tonnes annually.
Valley Waste collects from an average of 4,000 dwelling units daily.

Reducing Waste

Valley Waste works with its partners and residents to minimize what is sent to the landfill.

Everyone has a part to play, from using less plastics and packaging to properly cleaning and sorting materials at home. Food waste is often sent to landfill due to improper sorting, which creates a huge issue as it breaks down and releases all sorts of gases. Helping to reduce and divert waste can extend the life of landfills as well as reduce our carbon footprint. Valley Waste uses education to help residents and businesses reduce their waste which can also help reduce costs too. #partnersinwastereduction

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle/Compost
  • Recover
  • Disposal
We Are Valley Waste

We provide waste solutions, education and services

To 6 municipalities, 3 First Nation Communities, and 14 Wing Greenwood.

The Communities We Serve